Monday, December 3, 2012

While I was away.......

I've had a lot of trouble with my computer lately and the motherboard finally died. I've missed posting and being on the internet........but I believe the rest has done me good. 

  Noah has found that he likes to cook and eat, and eat, and eat!!!  He has grown a few inches in the last few months, and I tell him he will eat me out of house and home. :)
 Benjamin also has been on a growing spurt. He seems to be hungry all the soon as supper is finished they're in the kitchen again to eat..........oh well, this too shall pass......I HOPE!

Joshua has been working hard on his schoolwork and seem to be enjoying it as well.
 I've been decluttering the house to make it more manageable to have more time with the children and with Katie.
 Crafting in the evenings while watching family movies.
Reading to the children and trying to instill in them a love for the God and his word.

 Lighting the first Advent candle is so special........celebrating His coming.
 Starting our Jesse Tree Journey. The children look forward to supper and to read the day's reading and hanging an ornament on our "tree". :)
I've missed everyone and I hope your Thanksgiving was as peaceful as ours.
By Grace Alone,

1 comment:

Homestead Living said...

I'm so sorry about your motherboard. I've missed you!!! So happy to see some pictures of your lovely family.