Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Well, I learned something about myself......I don't like to refinish furniture anymore! At one time I used to enjoy taking an old piece of furniture ,that someone destroyed, :) by painting it, and take it down to the original wood. It was kind of like an adventure.....you never knew what was underneath all that paint.  But with a grand baby and children at home that need schooling and a house to clean and a family to feed, I don't want to take the time away from my priorities. 


1 comment:

the linen closet said...

I had decided I wanted to give each of my kids something I had restored with my own hands. It is really, REALLY time consuming when you are a mom - so I admire your hard work. I refinish with scrapers and mostly old-fashioned wood working methods; I learned from my dad who is a 4th generation pattern maker. Keep up the great work....even if it takes all year like my projects do. :-)