Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"Me Help!" day

 Katie is all about helping: water the plants,

 doing the dishes and wiping the counters and table,

 putting towels in the dryer.
 taking towels out of the washer,
 putting in the detergent and softener,

 and her favorite part......pushing the button to start,
 throwing away her dirty diaper,
 helping me make dinner,

and setting the table. She really is a big help......sometimes......but teaching little ones takes time and patience, I'm still learning!  :)


Homestead Living said...

What a sweetie! This is one of my favorite stages! It's so fun to have little helping hands...most of the time. :)
Jeff really enjoyed having the boys this week for a few days. We were sick here at the home and wasn't able to see them, but Jeff said they were a HUGE help.
Thanks for sharing them with us!

Mama to 12, so far said...

What an absolute doll! So sweet.