Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bead for Life

This year I bought several of these bracelets for the boy's teachers. They are made by women and girls in Uganda.  These women and girls survive each day on less than a dollar, but since selling their goods, they are able to feed their families, pay school fees, get proper healthcare, and have hope for a bright future. 

These beads are made from recycled magazines. I think they are just beautiful. More because they are a blessing to the receiver, but more important to the women and girls that made them

If you need a gift for someone special or would just like to support the organization, go to  and help change a life. 
By Grace Alone,

1 comment:

the linen closet said...

These are so pretty and I love to support people in need or who are trying to make a positive change in life. I have a missionary friend who lives in the Czech Republic and has started a second ministry to Uganda. With your permission, I may link up to this post when I write about her so people can learn more about this ministry too.
Thanks for sharing!!!