Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Noah and the pumpkin.

Noah wanted to help me cook the pumpkins today. He was so happy!

He really was happy until he stuck his hand in. He wrinkled up his nose and........

went straight to the water!! I had to laugh. He did help me clean 2 whole pumpkins and then decided he was done and went to play.

3 Whole pumpkins yeilded all these bags ready for the freezer. Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin dinner rolls, pumpkin pies and pumpkin bars during the winter. What a treat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Kim,

I just read your profile. I have five children also.
Is he your youngest? He is adorable!

I want to come back and see your cute home. I was just thinking today that I would post pictures of my home. Maybe you will come by for another visit sometime soon. :)

Right now I am in the middle of making dinner and a pumpkin pie, but I did not cook my own pumpkin.

Ernestine :)